Rihanna has set herself a new personal challenge — to get more curves! A fan posted a picture of her on Instagram suggesting she had put on a couple pounds on May 30. RiRi responded personally saying “Yasss!” and she revealed her plans to get “thick.” Do YOU think she looks bigger?
The fan pic in question shows a side by side photo of RiRi on stage — one being new and the other appears to from a few weeks ago. She does seem to look a tiny bit more curvy in the new picture.
And Rihanna digs it! Under the pic she wrote, “Yasss! #progress #operationThickanna.” She has a way with words!
Honestly, Rihanna looks great in both pictures, but if she wants to put on weight than I say go for it girl!
This is not the first time Rihanna has expressed interest in gaining curves.
In March 2012, Rihanna sat down with America’s favorite TV personality Ryan Seacrest to talk about how losing weight means she loses cleavage. Sob!
“It’s difficult to have any kind of routine when your schedule is that crazy,” she told Ryan. “So I really have no idea how I’m continuously losing weight. It’s actually pretty annoying. Now, I don’t have a butt, no boobs — already had no boobs — so annoying!”
That sure is annoying! Another pop star who knows how annoying that is is Ariana Grande!
“People think I’m not eating. I’m eating McDonalds at 3 a.m…it’s an issue. I’m eating ice cream!” Rihanna said about her not so nutritious food choices.
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Do YOU think RiRi should put on some weight? Or is she perfect just the way she is?
— Eleanore Hutch
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