A private conversation on Dec. 21 from what appears to be Jenelle’s official Facebook account with Amy was revealed to crazydaysandnights.net on Jan. 2, and it shows a shocking alleged confession to her herion addiction and withdrawal symptoms.
Read The Entire Facebook Conversation Below
Jenelle: Are u withdrawing? That might be why I feel like this honestly… I just got a script for hydrocodones and figured it would be ok to take well when I ran out I withdrew AGAIN like three days ago. And today is my 5th day I had acid reflux horribly and stomach cramps and everything… Still do
Amy: No it shouldn’t be withdraw cause Ive been on suboxone since the 11th. But I’m sorry girl and yeah that’s probably what your going thru after an addiction and dependency like opiates, loratabs can still f**k your world up.. You wouldn’t think so cause it’s not shot compared to opanas or heroin but it can
Amy: It shouldn’t take more than 7 days though so hopefully yours will be over soon. Try to buy a sub strip from someone and only take 1/4 a day see if that helps
I’ve got some I’d give ya but I’m all the way in WV
Jenelle: Yeah that’s what I was thinking to do but it’s like now who do I trust that won’t sell me out that I bought suboxone… Ugh lol ill find someone!! But yeah it sux I feel bad for Courtland [Rogers] becuz yesterday his script ran out too soooo tomorrow is going to be extremely sh!tty for him !!! Omg I feel so bad for him
Courtland Reveals Jenelle’s Alleged Heroin Addiction
Even though Jenelle has stayed pretty quiet about her alleged drug problem — she told a fan on Twitter that she is under MTV contract and can’t reveal much — her hubby Courtland went on a Twitter rant on Dec. 22, and said that Jenelle got addicted to the hardcore drug thanks to her ex Kieffer Delp.
“U got jenelle strung out and then bailed on her when she needed u most! And everyone thinks u are the good guy! This is sad,” Courtland tweeted at Kieffer.
Her sister Ashleigh Evans Wilson also told Star magazine early in December that their mom Barbara Evans witnessed her shooting up — and forced her into rehab.
But while Jenelle has been staying mum, Amy has been nothing but vocal about her addiction and recovery. ” I was addicted to opiates. Pain pills & Heroin. BIG MISTAKE on my part, but I knew I couldn’t live that way, So I got help,” she tweeted. “FYI: I felt horrible for what I did to my family and friends. I hurt them & I was suicidal over it. But I’m thankful I’m okay now and alive,” she added.
What do YOU think of Jenelle’s alleged conversation HollyMoms?
— Christina Stiehl
More Jenelle Evans news:
- Jenelle Evans & Courtland Rogers Not Splitting, Spent NYE Together
- Jenelle Evans Splits From Husband 26 Days After Marriage
- Courtland Rogers: Jenelle Evans’ Ex Keiffer Got Her Hooked On Heroin