Zero Dark Thirty is an action movie where the strategy inside conference rooms is as heart-stopping as chase scenes through the streets of Pakistan. Jessica Chastain plays Maya, a hard-headed and brilliant CIA agent who spends nearly a decade trying to locate Osama bin Laden, and the U.S. Navy SEAL operation that finally results in his death. Read‘s top reasons to check out this astonishing real-life thriller!
1) Jessica is incredible!
We’ve loved her passion in previous films, but the actress is destined for Oscar glory with this powerful new role. Maya’s military genius is only matched by her determination to catch Osama, and you’ll be astounded with the grit Jessica displays in every scene.
2) Kathryn Bigelow has directed her finest film yet!
Zero Dark Thirty is even more powerful than Kathryn’s previous war effort, 2008’s The Hurt Locker. She has firmly established herself as one of the finest war film directors ever — an accomplishment made even more impressive considering the difficulty women have making a name for themselves in the genre.
3) The ending is breathtaking!
As engaging as Maya’s planning is, one of the most thrilling sections of the film is the Navy SEAL mission to kill Osama. Even though everyone knows the eventual outcome, you will be on the edge of your seat waiting to see what obstacles hinder the team as they explore the palace housing the world’s most notorious terrorist.
4) There are plenty of thought-provoking moments!
The film opens with a shocking depiction of witness interrogation, complete with waterboarding and sexual intimidation. But what is most unsettling is how these aggressive tactics actually work to get information and thwart destructive action. You will rethink everything you know about the CIA and counter-terrorism protocol.
5) The attention to detail is outstanding!
Zero Dark Thirty juggles multiple languages, crisscrosses the globe and manages a massive cast in order to tell the tale. You will be amazed at how this massive undertaking moves at the pace of an adventure movie, while keeping the procedural elements intact.
Zero Dark Thirty opens in limited release on Dec. 19 — will YOU go see it, HollywoodLifers?
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