Alice tells us she’s particularly excited about working with Misha — and not just because he’s British.
“Misha Crosby, who plays Ryan, is just a charming guy to work with,” she tells us. “And he does Ryan very well. He’s kind of the cocky, too-big-for-his-britches school boy, but he’s so charming that you can’t help but like him.”
And now that I’ve filled you in about all things Mads, allow me to tell you a few things you probably didn’t know about Alice, herself!
1. She’s nothing like Mads: “I don’t really relate to her on a face level,” Alice says. “I come from a very big, very tight-knit family; I’m the oldest of five kids; my parents are still happily married; I grew up in a very poor household; and I was home-schooled until I went to college. Of course, part of the fun is getting to play a character that’s so different from myself.”
2. She was a competitive figure skater: “Mads is a dancer, and that’s another thing we don’t have in common,” Alice admits. “I have a lot of respect for dancers, their discipline, and the pain they endure just because they love what they do so much. I’ve seen online debates about it: People are like, ‘She’s totally a dancer,’ or, ‘No way, look at the way she moves her arms.’ I’ve had movement training and I was a competitive figure skater when I was a kid, but I’m not trained in ballet.”
3. She’s a foodie: “Everyone who knows me knows I love food, which people are usually very surprised to hear,” Alice says. “My family loves food, so I grew up with a very healthy appreciation for other culture’s cuisines. I chose the [Twitter] handle AliceFood, mostly because it wasn’t taken. Other people were pretending to be me on Twitter, so when I finally decided to make my own Twitter, that’s just what stuck.”
4. She’s writing a cook book: “I wrote restaurant reviews for fun for a while, and I’m now in the process of writing a cookbook,” Alice reveals. “One of the biggest thing I’ll do is tweet pictures of what I’m eating, and the iPhone makes it so easy to pretend I’m a good photographer. And I love being able to ask Twitter followers for restaurant recommendations. I usually plan my travels around what I plan to eat, and Twitter is definitely a component of that.”
Don’t forget to watch Alice in new episode of The Lying Game, airing Mondays at 9 p.m. on ABC Family!