Despite the sleepless nights, Neil Patrick Harris and his long-time love, David Burtka, are singing the praises of parenting fraternal twins Harper Grace and Gideon Scott, who were born on October 12, with the help of a surrogate mother. “Just absolute joy,” David, 35, tells People magazine about the babies’ arrival. Both men are thrilled that they were able to play an important part in the creation of their kids. “We inserted two eggs; one with my sperm, one with David’s sperm and they both took,” explains Neil, 37.
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“When we found out it was fraternal twins, we were thrilled,” adds David. They used an anonymous egg donor and then the eggs were carried by a surrogate who had helped a same-sex couple previously. “We don’t know whose is whose, but it’s amazing how different they already are. She is all girl and he is all boy,” he explains to the magazine about the 2-month-olds.
Little Harper is quite the talker. “She’s more emotional and verbal,” reveals Neil. While Gideon is already becoming a guy’s guy. “He sleeps and burps a lot.”
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The proud dads — Neil goes by “Papa” and David is “Daddy” — spent every night in the hospital with the babies after their birth. And they’re adjusting to the lack of sleep. “With twins, we can’t really take turns getting up,” says David, an actor/chef. “The sleep deprivation. You have to live in those spurts,” adds the How I Met Your Mother star, who credits their nanny with sleep-training the tots. “If she wasn’t here, we’d be calling the pediatrician every half hour,” he admits.
HollyMoms, do you have any sleep-training tips to share with these guys?
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